no longer rarely answer on StackOverflow

What is StackOverflow?

A website where developers answer questions asked by another developers publicly which in turn helps millions of other developers.
I answered my first question in 2017, then started answering aggressively in June 2019 -- when I joined Visa as an Intern.

My stats

Total Reputation:
5,110 from 250 answers and 9 questions impacting ~84K people

Answer Highlights:
142 java posts with 60 accepted answers and a bronze badge

Highest Weekly Reputation:
March 2020 to June 2020 with most number of answers averaging at top 0.26% every week

2121 votes, 53 badges, 880 days visited (100+ consecutive), 1000+ edits

* as of October 18, 2021

Are there new questions to ask?

Stack Overflow has always been a better-than-average resource for finding answers to programming questions. In particular, I have found a number of helpful answers to really obscure questions on the site, many of which helped me get past a road block either at work or in my hobby programming. As such, I decided I’d join the site to see if I could help out.

- Borngeek
StackOverflow is a machine designed to do one thing: make it so that, for any given programming question, you will get a search engine hit on their site and find a good answer quickly. And see some ads. That’s really it. Everything it does is geared toward that, and it does it quite well. I have some SO points. If you think points exist to prove merit, that’s bad. But if you think points exist to show “this person makes the kind of content that brings programmers to our site and makes them happy”, it’s good. The latter is their intent.
So why I limit contributing?
There were too many repeating questions/themes, poorly worded, too many “homework” questions, and extremely few meaningful, thought provoking questions. I’ve always said that I answer stackoverflow questions not because I know all the answers, but because I know a little more about the subject than the person asking. And those seemed to give way (in terms of percentage) to “null pointer exception”, “how to fix this [40 lines pasted] code” and “Is it better to have X than Y [in a context that only I know and I’m not telling you]”. (And here’s why I don’t agree that “it’s too hard to provide an answer on time”. If it’s not one of the “obvious” questions, you have plenty of time to provide an answer).